Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Week 2: CC250: e-Portfolio: Illustrator Tutorial: MO! TV Logo

Illustrator Tutorial 2: MO! TV Logo

This is my MO! Television Logo. I did two of them. The first one is the original, straight forward logo that I created by following the tutorial. The second one is the one I added my own little flair to. I placed an outerglow effect on the television set and the word "TELEVISION" at the bottom. Then I added an innerglow on the "MO!" text portion of the logo.

Original Logo Following Tutorial

The original seems kind of boring, but it still looks nice.

Second Logo with My Own Touches

The second logo kind of got distorted when it was converted into a JPEG image. The outerglow shouldn't be that dark. It is more of a light gray. Also, the image got a bit pixelated around the edges, but I still like the overall design.

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